Valero Energy's HR Practices and Culture
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Case Details:
Case Code : HROB076
Case Length : 14 Pages
Period : -
Pub. Date : 2006
Teaching Note :Not Available Organization : Valero
Industry : Energy and Utilities
Countries : USA
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This case study was compiled from published sources, and is intended to be used as a basis for class discussion. It is not intended to illustrate either effective or ineffective handling of a management situation. Nor is it a primary information source.
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Excerpts Contd...
A Culture of Caring and Sharing
Valero's culture was unique among large companies, especially those in the volatile energy sector. The company fostered a caring and sharing culture, with employees of all levels being encouraged to feel a part of the company and to take part in its growth.
The top management was closely involved with the day to day operations of the company and maintained a high level of visibility among lower level employees. Often at company social events, the top management, including the CEO and President, served refreshments to all employees. Company barbeques also saw the top management cook at times.
The management said maintaining a high amount of visibility ensured that the people who took the decisions were aware of the day to day issues facing the company. It was also a valuable method of obtaining feedback from employees. The unique thing about Valero was that it was one of the rare companies that never had to lay off employees...
Challenges in Maintaining the Valero Culture
Experts in organizational behavior stress the importance of
creating and maintaining a strong, positive work culture in companies, to
favorably impact employee morale.
According to studies conducted in recent years, employees consider their
workplace 'great'if they trust the management and the organization as a whole,
have pride in what they do and how the company impacts the community, and enjoy
working with their peers.
Valero was unarguably one of the companies that were successful in creating a
'great'culture. However, according to analysts, the challenge for the company
lay in keeping the positive elements of the culture intact, while eliminating
any negative influences. Certain issues play a focal role in discussing the
challenges to Valero's culture...
Exhibit I: Valero's Annual Income Statement
Exhibit II: Valero's Refineries Across The US
Exhibit III: Valero's Mission Statement
Exhibit IV: Valero's Specific Measurable ROI Results